How to Store Electronics Safely with Mobile Storage

Many businesses, offices, or job sites use mobile storage containers for a variety of uses, including storing their electronics. Whether these devices are being used on-site or are excess inventory for retail establishments, keeping these delicate items safe and taken care of during their time in storage is imperative for not only their operation but for the safety of the user.

To keep electronics safe in a mobile storage container, especially one that isn’t climate controlled, there are some steps you’ll need to take to not only properly assess possible threats to your equipment, but to also store them safely.

What to Consider When Storing Electronics

Even in the most secure and high-quality mobile storage container, if you’re storing electronics irresponsibly or without the thought of their possible vulnerabilities, you could leave them susceptible to damage or allow them to be compromised. To keep your business’ inventory or electronics safe, secure, and functioning at their highest level, consider first the possible threats to them while in storage. Having these factors in mind will let you take the extra care needed to store them properly and with care.

High Temperatures

Storing your electronics during the summer, and using a mobile storage container that isn’t climate controlled? Be mindful of high temperatures that can cause harm to your electronics. After all, elongated exposure to excessive heat (or cold, for that matter), can lead to damage to internal hardware, and shorten the lifespan of microchips, batteries, or circuit boards.

Always store your mobile storage container in a shaded, cool area out of the way from direct sunlight or the hot summer sun, and never leave electronics stored for a long period of time.


If you’re storing electronics in a container that isn’t climate controlled or in an environment that experiences high levels of humidity, you can run the risk of condensation building up on these items. This will create a film of moisture on the internal parts of your electronics and can cause electronics to malfunction, short circuit, or can lead to rust buildup.


You might not consider dust to be of particular concern when storing electronics, but the buildup of dust on such devices can cause connectivity issues, overheating, or completely compromise cooling systems.

Electronic Storing Tips

Take care to always store your mobile storage container out of direct sunlight or direct exposure to the elements, especially with fragile contents inside. This will give you an easy sense of peace of mind, without even having to take extra steps to keep electronics safe. Looking for additional electronic packing tips? We’ve got a couple of those for you as well:

  • Separate and organize all electronics. To prevent physical damage as well as keep like devices with like, make sure you know what is where and not to store larger electronics on top of smaller ones.
  • Remove batteries to ensure that nothing corrodes and leaks out into your device, or down onto other devices while in storage – this can cause serious damage. If you’re working with devices containing lithium batteries, charge them to 50% before storage, and keep them away from heat sources or high temperatures.
  • Clean everything prior to storing and remove any existing dust or contaminants using a compressed air gun.
  • Unplug everything and separate all pieces. Take all attachments off of main units and keep everything separate to make sure nothing is broken or compromised during transport or storage.
  • Keep all screens covered and cushions to avoid scratches, cracking, and other damage. Take care to cover all gaps or vents as well.

Now that you know how to keep your electronics safe while in storage, it’s time to find the best mobile storage container for your needs. For the best quality mobile storage containers, look no further than A1 Mobile Storage Leasing for everything you’ve been looking for.
